There is obvious tension between three people sitting around a table, two men and one woman

Enhancing Group Effectiveness Through Applied Group Dynamics

People in groups interact and influence each other in complex ways that are very different from the ways individuals act. Powerful group processes include norms, roles, hierarchy, power and authority, need to belong, need for solidarity, group assumptions, boundaries, and social influences—to name several. An important branch of social psychology, group dynamics seeks new ways to gauge and understand group behavior. Applying this knowledge to help groups function with less friction and greater effectiveness is the endgame.

The Benefits of Applied Group Dynamics

We develop many kinds of working groups including:

  • Committees
  • Departments
  • Boards
  • Project groups
  • Peer groups
  • Learning groups
  • Performance and presentation groups
  • Leadership groups
  • Virtual groups

In each case, we apply group dynamics theory and knowledge in ways that help groups take advantage of proven group processes, practices, structures, and tools to become more cohesive, purposeful, and effective. The ultimate aim is to minimize growing pains and accelerate the performance-improvement curve.

Illustration of a classic 7-step group problem-solving model
Group Problem Solving

One recurring theme involves helping group members become more calm, grounded, and self-aware. Just lowering the anxiety and uncertainty levels in most work groups goes a long way toward upping their game. Another major emphasis is on helping groups improve their alignment with the social, environmental, and strategic landscape through greater mindfulness. The result is improved group performance as evidenced by valid metrics.

Facets of Applied Group Dynamics

Our goal is to enhance group performance, cohesion, and satisfaction by improving knowledge, awareness, skills, and behaviors in one or more of the following applied group dynamics areas:

  1. Group structure & processes
  2. Group management
  3. Group leadership
  4. Group communication
  5. Group norms & values
  6. Group morale & involvement
  7. Group status & power
  8. Group problem solving & decision making
  9. Group conflict resolution
  10. Intergroup mediation & negotiation

Research shows that when a group improves in even one of these practice areas its performance markedly rises. Just imagine what happens when a group makes genuine progress in several areas.